Coaching is the quick achievement of goals, the development of fears and internal limitations, and the realization of one’s potential. With this bot, you can work with a coach at any time. It’s unusual but very convenient. You won’t find an offer like this anywhere else! Here are collected coaching techniques that help you find the answer to any of your questions. Yes, for ANY QUESTION, because coaching helps you look deep into yourself, discover the problem, and find ways to solve it.

What does it look like in practice? The chatbot will ask the most “magic” questions, which you can answer when and how you want. As soon as you come to conclusions, you get a new portion of “materials to work on yourself.” So, step by step, you analyze your situation and come to valuable insights. As a result, the request with which it all began is resolved. That is, you get the same result as in a regular coaching session, but at the same time: Everything is happening online, and you choose the most comfortable place for yourself.

  • You are not tied to a schedule and should not be invested for 45 minutes. There is a time to think and look deep into yourself.
  • You save more than 100 euros (the price of an individual session). What do you think about it?


It will be a real coaching session but with its own peculiarities. We will work online using a chatbot. It will ask questions, and you will answer as consciously as possible and think about each of your answers. Please pay attention: you won’t be able to see the new question until you answer the previous one. It is important to respond in writing. It is generally accepted that thoughts are material . Well, this is partly true – thoughts can very well shape our reality. But if thoughts are the starting point of changes, then the real world around us is the changes that have already taken place. Simply put, what is written down seems more real to the brain than thoughts. And although we will communicate through a chatbot, this does not mean that you are talking to some kind of robot. I read all messages and give feedback if necessary.



How effective do you think it is to deal with problems only at the level of actions, without going deeper into the roots? It’s like trying to break through a wall with your forehead… But changes in life begin with a change in thinking, with an understanding of the interaction of what is happening outside and inside. And this chatbot is aimed precisely at turning your understanding of the current situation – the past and, most importantly, the future – with the help of deep coaching questions. And as a result – to get ideas that inspire action.


People believe that their life path is not like what others have gone through. But in fact, absolutely unique problems simply do not exist. What worries you now has already been experienced by millions of people. And the questions that will appear here, I asked many times to those who were looking for their solution. The questions are the same, but the answers are very different because your answer and your solution are unique. And a chatbot is just an auxiliary tool and will be as useful as you are ready to take advantage of. If you answer all the questions and after that say that nothing has changed in your perception, you can ask for a refund (but, admittedly, such situations have not happened yet).