1, 2, ready, go


life coach, NLP-Master

To be honest, I consider myself a good coach. I just proceed from the courses I have taken and the books I have read, from the long experience, and the results of my clients. But now I can say that I created a competitor with my own hands.😁

This is a chatbot into which I have invested all my knowledge and experience so that, thanks to it, you receive the same benefits as when communicating live with a coach.

Chatbots can do anything. 🧙‍♂️ Even conduct coaching sessions without the presence of a coach. Do not believe it? Then, choose the most relevant topic, and let’s start.


To get to know yourself better, realize your values ​​and desires, formulate your life mission and understand “Who are you?”, “What are you talking about?”, “Why?”. This session is about getting to know yourself again.

Coaching session -"I'LL START ONE MONDAY"

We find hundreds and thousands of reasons not to start a business, coming up with various obstacles and postponing everything for later. No one really knows when this “later” will come. “Then” can last for weeks, months, or even years. Is this familiar to you? 


Coaching session -"PAUSE OR END POINT?"

It”s for those who feel dissatisfied and are not sure whether the relationship is worth saving.

Targeted questions will help you understand what you feel deep down and how possible it is to get out of a critical situation.

Do you want to be the first to know about new sessions? Subscribe to our Facebook, take part in the drawing and join the live communication.


Coaching session -"TANGO FOR TWO: analysis of relationships"

Perhaps you feel that the relationship has changed, but you cannot say exactly what is different. Especially when conflicts escalate and a feeling of misunderstanding arises, grievances accumulate and it is difficult to realize what we really feel for our partner. Relationships are complex and multifaceted – that’s a fact.

Coaching session “TANGO FOR TWO: relationship analysis” was created to understand the different sides of your union.

Do you want to be the first to know about new sessions? Subscribe to our Facebook, take part in the drawing and join the live communication.


Coaching session - “THE UNLOVING POTION”

Sometimes, in order to move on, you have to kill hope. This applies to those cases when you have long understood that there will be no continuation and there is no point in waiting, but due to some terrible inertia you continue to hope.

Coaching session “THE UNLOVING POTION” on how to get out of a relationship that brings pain and disappointment as painlessly as possible.

Do you want to be the first to know about new sessions? Subscribe to our Facebook, take part in the drawing and join the live communication.

The coaching session, “UNPACKING THE PERSONALITY: about yourself,”

 is about getting to know yourself again. This helps you understand what kind of personality looks at you from the mirror, what its main features are, what it strives for, and why.

Do you want to be the first to know about new sessions? Subscribe to our Facebook, take part in the drawing and join the live communication.

The coaching session, “UNPACKING THE PERSONALITY: hero’s path story,”

will help you go through the “hero’s path” and play out your best life scenario, believe in yourself, see hidden resources, and build a further growth strategy.

Do you want to be the first to know about new sessions? Subscribe to our Facebook, take part in the drawing and join the live communication.

Coaching session - “UNPACKING THE PERSONALITY: expert level”

Even the strongest experts sometimes doubt themselves. During the coaching session, you will reveal your expertise, find your uniqueness, do a page audit, build a style of communication with the audience

Do you want to be the first to know about new sessions? Subscribe to our Facebook, take part in the drawing and join the live communication.

Coaching session – “ALADIN’S LAMP"

Goals start with desires! But how do you understand what you really want? To open our true desires, I created this coaching session.

Do you want to be the first to know about new sessions? Subscribe to our Facebook, take part in the drawing and join the live communication.

Coaching session -"GOAL 111"

Very often, a person does not realize his goal because he does not know what awaits him, does not understand how to act, or does not have any resources, such as money or information. And the task of this session is to direct your thinking on how to achieve what you really want in the shortest way so as not to look back and look for excuses and explanations for why you can’t get to your goal.

Do you want to be the first to know about new sessions? Subscribe to our Facebook, take part in the drawing and join the live communication.